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Back to the Garden (Genesis) 

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female
he created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful….” (Genesis 1:27-28a)

24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they
will become one flesh. 25 The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
(Genesis 2: 24-25)


The first appearence of sex; its created intent; its most perfect context; perhaps its purest expression; was found back there before the fall, amidst the wonders and glories of that garden paradice. The first couple's call to marital union was in the context of the very blessing and presence of God.

What a privileged couple they were! Utterly naked, unstressed and undressed, with abundant provision, at peace with the Lord and each other, and not even a hint of shame. Just imagine!

Now, oh couple, look out your window – that’s probably not Eden! Now look at
yourselves! Sorry to break it to you, you probably fail to measure up to the same extent! Do you enjoy an unbroken walk with God as did they? Are you, as they, in a state where you have never known shame? “Um… No!”
Instead, you are probably already aware that you live amidst the post-fall thorns and thistles that so easily choke out Eden’s beauty and life both without and within your very selves. Those thorns and thistles do not always make for a comfortable union! Sometimes it seems a move in any direction yields yet another painful spike or a scratch!

How we yearn for a way back into the garden.

Such is the theme of this first section of four..​

Chapter headings in the book..

Meditation 1: First Fruits and the Journey Ahead

Section 1: Back to the Garden (Genesis)
Meditation 2: The Best Thing in the Garden!
Meditation 3: Welcome Back to Eden!
Meditation 4: Suitable for Him (Part 1)
Meditation 5: Suitable for Him (Part 2)
Meditation 6: “One flesh” (One Body) Part 1
Meditation 7: One Flesh Part 2
Meditation 8: Sex East of Eden.
Meditation 9: Sex Redeemed! –Freedom from the Law and Satan Disarmed!
Meditation 10: “It was VERY Good” (The Quest for Great Sex)
Meditation 11: The Greatest Sex in Human History?​

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